Uncovering the Causes and Consequences of Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis (CD) is a skin condition caused by exposure to irritating substances or allergens, usually in areas where contact was made between skin and...
The Science of Tan Fading – How to Slow Down the Process and Maintain Your Glow
Sunscreen and exfoliation are essential tools in the fight to fade your tan, but they shouldn't be your sole tools. Products containing melanin-inhibiting ingredients like...
Rosacea Causes Symptoms and Treatment Options
If you suffer from rosacea, it may be necessary to visit a physician or dermatologist. They will conduct a physical exam while inspecting your skin,...
The Benefits of Facial Steaming
Steaming can help clear away acne, improve product efficacy and boost hydration levels in your skin. All it requires is some water in a bowl...