Dental Bleaching

Bleaching or whitening of teeth is an excellent way to address discolored or disfigured teeth and enhance your smile. The chemical process involved dissolves molecules that stain teeth.

Carbamide peroxide can be applied with the aid of a customized mouthpiece at home to bleach the teeth, typically applied for several hours each day or overnight for several weeks until desired results have been attained.


Dental bleaching can be costly depending on the method chosen. To maximize results and ensure safety during and after the process, be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions, particularly concerning foods and drinks that stain teeth such as coffee and wine.

Both in-office and at-home bleaching techniques rely on peroxide-based bleaching agents, with lower concentrations being less likely to cause tooth sensitivity than higher ones. Conversely, higher concentrations are likely to result in greater tooth sensitivity.

If whitening does not produce desirable results (tetracycline staining is one example), more involved treatments like bonding or veneers may be required to mask discoloration. It’s recommended that these procedures take place two weeks post-bleaching in order to match restoration colors to those of newly whitened teeth – this ensures healthy bonds and proper function while giving your body enough time to heal from its exposure to bleaching agents.


Preparing for a teeth bleaching procedure can reduce discomfort during and after treatment. It is essential to avoid consuming stain-causing foods and drinks, practice good oral hygiene habits, and schedule regular dental check-ups so as to maintain results from bleaching treatments and protect them against future staining.

An important step in getting ready for teeth bleaching is scheduling a pre-treatment evaluation with your dentist. This allows them to assess you, such as reviewing health histories and examining hard and soft tissues. They may also suggest getting x-rays taken of your teeth so they can identify any abnormalities which could compromise its efficacy and safety.

Most bleaching procedures utilize a carbamide peroxide gel between 10% and 22% in an individualized plastic tray that is worn for multiple hours daily until visible changes to skin color are observed. This is known as the ambulatory bleaching technique.

In-Office Procedure

Procedure is completed at your dental professional’s office using high-concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel that produces immediate, visible results for brightening smiles.

Before beginning whitening treatment, your dentist will inspect and assess your teeth, gums and soft tissues as well as taking an in-depth health and dental history including allergies or sensitivities. They’ll then use a shade guide to estimate how well the procedure will go.

Power bleaching involves isolating soft tissues using a light-cured barrier and applying bleaching gel directly to your teeth surface, activated with high energy blue light source without harming hard tissues.

At-Home Procedure

Teeth bleaching can be an effective solution for discolored teeth. To maximize results, however, it is crucial that patients understand how best to prepare and follow post-treatment care after having bleached their teeth.

At-home bleaching involves applying a gel of 10% carbamide peroxide to the surface of the teeth using a thin plastic tray and wearing it while awake or sleeping for 6 weeks – either awake or sleeping!

Before beginning an at-home bleaching procedure, your dentist will apply a protective coating to gums and soft tissues to lower the risk of chemical burns during bleaching. Once that process begins, bleaching agent is applied directly onto teeth using a special light to activate it.


Dental bleaching can be an effective solution to many stains and discolorations issues; however, results will differ depending on each individual and may require ongoing maintenance to keep your smile bright.

To achieve optimal whitening results, your dentist will assess the color of your teeth to develop an optimal treatment plan. Depending on their initial shade, whitening could lighten them anywhere from two to seven shades.

Whitening natural teeth is safe, although some patients may experience increased sensitivity after bleaching, although it usually subsides over time. A patient should wait at least two weeks after bleaching before receiving resin composite or porcelain restorations in order to ensure proper bonding and shade matching, and to protect their gums during bleaching process.

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