Mental Health in Your Kids
Keeping a check on your kids’ mental health is crucial to their healthy development. Research shows that one in five children develop a diagnosable mental disorder. Only about 20% of these children receive help from a mental health professional. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and manage mental health problems before they affect your child’s development. Read on to learn more about how to make sure your kids’ mental health is on track. And don’t forget to include yourself in the process!
The best way to help your child develop mental health is to get involved with activities that are fun for them. Regular exercise helps kids learn to deal with stressful situations and develop empathy. Engaging children in activities that involve community will help them feel valued and connected to others. That way, your child will be more likely to come to you when they need help. This type of connection will go a long way in helping your kids overcome mental health challenges.
Good modeling will help your child cope with adversity later in life. When you model good behaviour, your child will develop independence and positive social skills. You can help your child form healthy habits by being attentive to their cues and showing them how to behave in the right way. If you notice any of these behaviors or changes in your child’s behaviour, make sure to seek professional help. Your child’s mood and behaviour may be an indication of a mental health problem, and early intervention will benefit your child and your family.
While challenging behavior is natural for children, it is important to note that this behavior may be distressing for your child and their family. When your child shows signs of a serious mental disorder, the family and doctor will likely refer your child to a psychiatrist. A child psychiatrist can assess your child’s mental health and prescribe medication and, if necessary, admit your child to a mental health facility. These professionals may also recommend readings to keep your child informed and safe.
Traumatic brain injury may also cause anxiety in your child. These attacks happen when your child is unable to process information and experiences, and may cause them to become hypervigilant. They may even become clingy or whiny, and show signs of being traumatized. The symptoms of traumatized brain may come and go with no apparent reason. If you notice that your child is having trouble functioning normally, it is recommended to seek the help of a mental health professional as soon as possible.
Talking to your children about mental health is a good way to cope with the challenges your child may face. While it may be challenging to share your personal problems with your child, it can help your child overcome these challenges. Remember, children are highly impressionable and pick up on more than what adults say. Try calling the Samaritans if your child feels depressed, or calling them will be anonymous. And it will never appear on your phone bill.