Model Health Care Organizations
The Professionalism Charter is a document that complements existing treatises on professionalism and aims to guide health care organizations in defining and implementing professional competencies and behaviors. Developed by physicians, nurses, and administrators, it incorporates aspirations of different professions into a single document. Although no single document can encompass the values of health care professionals, it does offer guidelines for organizations to improve their practice. Moreover, the Charter can be used to develop organizational strategies that address the social determinants of health.
The model organizations promote the well-being of their staff, ensure accountability, and encourage employee education, training, and development. Similarly, they strive to provide evidence-based care and support their team members’ roles as members of a health care team. These organizations foster transparency about prices, encourage communication, and offer support for employees who are experiencing difficulty in expressing their concerns or questions. Moreover, they encourage their employees to provide feedback to leadership, promote teamwork, and provide incentives for healthier lifestyles.
The model organizations use patient-generated data to track progress towards patient-centered care, create methods for continuous learning, and provide meaningful feedback to care partners. They are often classified according to their ownership, financial classification, and revenue generation. Some organizations may have overlapping goals, while others may differ in their methods of care delivery or medical billing. By integrating these practices, healthcare organizations can achieve their goals and eliminate medical errors. However, the focus on the patient’s health and wellness should be paramount in any model organization.
In addition to the triple aim, the fourth aim includes the care of the provider. Treating each employee with respect is a crucial component in creating a healing environment. Just as clinicians aspire to give patients the same respect and dignity, the organization must also treat its employees with the same respect. To accomplish this, the organization should actively seek the input and perspectives of all its employees. It is only through this process that the best practices will emerge.
The new payment model has forced the healthcare industry to address the value of care. Increasing patient outcomes and improving the efficiency of providing excellent care can sustain market share and improve contracting positions. The providers who demonstrate the greatest value will be the most competitive in the future, and those that do not demonstrate these benefits will be increasingly exposed to pressure. The health care industry is increasingly focused on quality, and this pressure is growing. Aside from physicians, health plans, and suppliers must take the initiative and embrace this new model.
As an organization that focuses on health literacy, it must be able to address common miscommunication. Inadequate information or clear communication between health care providers and patients can negatively impact patient care and outcomes. Health literacy is often compromised by low literacy. This means that the organization must design the information it provides to ensure that it is effective and accessible to the widest possible audience. In addition, it must be able to effectively address high-risk situations.