Nutrition Advice From a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RD/RDN)

Dietitians/RDNs typically offer nutrition advice through one-on-one counseling sessions. Through RDs’ expertise and assistance, clients gain a better understanding of how diet impacts health while setting realistic goals.

Be sure to consume an abundance of lean proteins – this will help your cells to rebuild themselves and maintain health. Choose unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, soya beans, tofu and milk instead of processed meats for best results.

Eat a variety of foods

Eating a variety of food can help ensure you’re receiving all of the nutrition your body requires, while at the same time helping prevent boredom with meals and add spice.

As a general guideline, it’s wise to include foods from each of the 5 food groups in your daily diet. This can be achieved by choosing various items within each food group – for instance eating different vegetables and fruits or exploring various meats and dairy products.

Try to include fresh, frozen, canned and dried varieties of fruits and veg. Varying how they’re prepared – for instance roasting potatoes instead of boiling them – and using different salad dressings can also help. Altering how and when you eat can also reduce extra fat (butter on bread, oil in cooking and sour cream in casseroles – which all increase calories consumed).

Eat more nutrient-dense foods

Nutrition advice can be daunting with all the research and new information coming out every day, yet one thing remains certain – a healthy diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins as building blocks.

These nutritious foods offer many essential vitamins and minerals while still being low in calories. Try making these your go-to choices when it comes to meals and snacks, replacing less nutrient dense options like sugary sodas with whole grain sodas; or use these foods when making tacos, sandwiches or taco salads.

As we age, consuming a diet rich in nutrients becomes even more essential as our energy requirements decline and risk of malnutrition increases. To better manage this situation, consult a registered dietitian for personalized advice on nutrition.

Limit foods that are high in less healthy (saturated) fats and ‘free’ sugars

Saturated fats (found in foods like butter, lard, full-fat cheese and meat) and free sugars (common in cookies, cakes and soft drinks) contain high amounts of energy that may contribute to weight gain, tooth decay and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Conversely, unsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, fish, olive oil and avocados provide healthier alternatives.

Be a label expert and choose foods low in saturated and ‘free’ sugars. Use the nutrition facts panel to compare similar products; read ingredient lists carefully for a short ingredient list that contains few items; beware of low-fat products which could contain hidden sugars such as peanut butter or yogurt that contains less of it!

Eat the right amount

Food writers and bloggers can benefit from giving professional nutrition advice; however, to do so correctly and legally. You should avoid suggesting any dietary supplements as treatments or cures as this is illegal without medical training.

Eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day is recommended to help combat heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. A portion can consist of anything from one apple, banana or pear; 3 heaped tablespoons of cooked vegetables such as carrots or beans; to one cup of cut up dried fruit such as raisins.

Also, it is wise to include plenty of lean protein sources like eggs, fish, low-fat dairy products and nuts and seeds in your diet.

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